The Lumber Business

        The last few years have been a Whirlwind in the Lumber trading game. Whether you were selling lumber or installing lumber it has been the craziest time to be in our industry. I am happy to report that hopefully the madness has somewhat...

Springggg Is In The Air!

      Well Howdy! Can’t you see….Oooooohhhha can’t you see…What that springgggg time in the air is doing to me! I can see warm weather and sunny/dry jobsites in the future and that gets my motor running faster than a new chain on my chainsaw. Speaking...

Christmas In The Cove!

        Christmas time in the Cove…..What a Wonderful time to be a human being! I’ll keep this one short, sweet and to the point which was one of my nicknames on set when I shot my first Ralph Lauren commercial by the way. It doesn’t matter if you...

Life’s a Garden…Dig It!

Well Hello my Friends! I hope everyone is staying safe! We are doing our best to uphold the 6ft rule here at the store and I have to say our guys and gals are doing a fine job keeping that distance. In today’s current circumstances it is so hard to stay positive and...
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