Well Hello my Friends! I hope everyone is staying safe! We are doing our best to uphold the 6ft rule here at the store and I have to say our guys and gals are doing a fine job keeping that distance.

In today’s current circumstances it is so hard to stay positive and keep the positive vibes that I try so hard to project. From the pandemic, politics or just people’s general behavior, it seems like everyone or everything is trying to bring you down and steal your cookies. Seems like each and every day I am spreading bad news with doom and gloom oozing out of my pores. Every word is the truth, but that still does not help with the bad taste it leaves or the mindset it puts you in.

Is there a nationwide shortage of treated lumber that is getting worse? Yes

Is framing lumber getting hard to find? Yes

Are there extended lead times to get anything and everything? Yes

Are people in general more stressed out to the point of freaking out over the smallest of things? Yes

Do I get tired of all the paparazzi following me around? Yes

I could go on and on but I have made a personal decision to not participate! I will not let today’s current stink fest ruin my positive vibe or outlook on life! It is what it is and for the most part you can’t help it or fix it.

Now I know it goes a lot deeper than that and it is hard to stay positive but ya gotta start somewhere and stress will eat you alive if you don’t get above it! Times will get better…Lumber will arrive…The election will be over soon and maybe even Scarlet Johansson will stop calling me…Hey SJ, I’m married for the umpteenth time! Stop stalking me!

Anyhoo, bad things happen to everyone and sometimes life just sucks. Accept it, deal with it, but don’t dwell on it – just try to focus on the good things. I would explain more, but I have to go check the fishing reports at the coast, grab my SD card out of my game camera and my grandkids want their POP POP to play sand with them! See….Easy peeze!!

I’ll leave you with this. In the words of one of the greatest philosophers ever, Mr. Joe Dirt: “Life’s a Garden…Dig it!

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