Read the latest building industry news from the mind of David Bray at Hedgecock Builders Supply





I have been blessed with another year of seeing our customers and employees smile!

A smile is a powerful thing!

 Smiling is contagious and can brighten someone’s day, smiling is a conversation starter, an easy way to say Thanks and I care!

 I once even heard a story on how Davy Crocket used his smile to grin down a Bar (bear). Now I’m no expert on bears but I can honestly tell you that it doesn’t work on a white-tailed deer. A few weeks ago back on an early Saturday morning I shimmied and sashayed my hind-end up a big oak tree and after a few minutes of sitting a small doe came by to pay me a visit. Now this was a younger deer and sometimes their danger instincts have not yet evolved or matured so I thought this may be the perfect time to try my “grinning”. It was a beautiful morning to be in the woods with the sun coming up and other critters starting to get their day started. Now over the years I have talked to a lot of deer, mostly to scare them away so they won’t see me climb down from my perch but this particular young deer was just milling around eating acorns just minding it’s own business when it heard PSSSSSTTTT. It looked right at me and I gave the biggest Toothy grin that I could give. The kind of grin that made my face hurt and would put even the Grinch to shame. Nothing, Zero, Zip….It just went back to eating.  I then gave a louder Hey You…We once again locked eyes and with my pearly whites just a shining…..Nothing, Zero, Zip…Back to eating.

Now this deer had moved to about 10yards (30ft) from me with nothing between us but air and being third time is the charm I gave my best high pitch one note dog bark and once again we were looking into each others eyes like a love struck teenagers. This really took me back to high school because apparently this deer didn’t like the way that I smiled and took a fast paced stroll away from me to go eat acorns on down in the woods. Now you can take this how you want and maybe I messed up this deer’s morning routine, maybe she just couldn’t figure out what the heck was growing out of side of that oak tree or maybe my dazzling grin is not as dazzling as I thought but either way I felt good that my smile passed on useable, good information that will possibly help this young deer to run away, to play another day!

I’ve always heard that the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. Now this may work for some people but trust me, if you ever heard me singing the feeling of cheer would not enter your mind. Smiling on the other hand….I have that one covered!

     Merry Christmas and Thanks for the business!!!




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