Evening Friends!

Hope you are well and this crazy world we live in is treating you with kindness! This will be may be my last venting post (probably not) but what can I say It does me good to complain sometimes. It is good to get frustration off your chest and It also makes for interesting reading so you can think quietly amongest yourselves, This guy really manages a business?

Man I feel sorry for the other employees!

All the problems in this world and he’s ranting on this crap!

I was cleaning up an office of an employee that is no longer employed with us and when going through some of the product samples that were basically thrown in this room I found a stack of samples and brochures for Armadillo composite decking. Never heard of Armadillo decking you say well yeah neither have I. Sales people drop by the store and try to push their products our way. The newest and greatest products they say, going to change the way we looking at decking boards they say, will make us millions they say.

Well my question is who is they?

Most every product we sell comes through a distributor. You know what I mean, for the most part you don’t call Chevrolet manufacturing to purchase a new truck, you have to go through a local dealership.

What distributor should we call if a customer wants this decking? There are no signs, stickers, emails, names or any information on where we can purchase this decking. There are really only a handful of things that get under my skin, for instance, my chainsaw being dull, coffee that’s way too hot, people being late, losing a fish, my sights getting off, sleeping in, getting axed in Fortnight by a 3rd grader and not having the information I need at hand to help a customer that could have called anywhere but came to us because we are awesome at helping and know our products.

Oh I can hear it now…

Customer: What information can you give me on your Armadillo samples?

Me:  Ummmmm Ummmmm I will have to check and find out

Also Me: Who dat…who dis….where….I feel dumb….Crap

Also Me: No list of any dealers or distributors near us on their website…So I called and stayed on hold for 12minutes to have them give me a phone number to another rep who should be able to tell me where to purchase this decking so I can call them for pricing and lead-times.

Also Me: Later in the day I throw all the samples as hard as I can in the recycling dumpster.

Bottom line is we take pride in ourselves on being educated on the products we sell. We may not have all the answers but we know who to ask to find out the answers. I don’t have to be the smartest person in the room but I definitely want to be acquainted with the smartest person in the room.

All of our vendors!!!…when you bring samples in and leave for us to sell please make sure your contact information is attached! If we don’t know where to purchase your material it will quickly be thrown away! You owe it to your company, our customers and our staff to educate us before randomly dropping off samples. Ahhhhhh, Man I feel better!

 I leave you with a quote from one of the greatest wrestling movies to every hit the big screen…Nacho Libre: xxooXoOXo that translates to kiss, kiss, hug, hug, Big kiss, hug, Big hug, Big kiss, little hug!

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