Read the latest building industry news from the mind of David Bray at Hedgecock Builders Supply

Hey all you Kool Cats and Kittens!
It has been a minute since I have posted anything new and Boy are you in luck today! My mind is swirling around like a Carney making cotton candy. What…Cotton Candy you say??? Yes….Cotton Candy I do say! That sugared up fluffy bag of air that we gladly stand in line for while at the fair or other outdoor events will be missed this year because of our current situations. Although I will say that here in the Cove I saw one of those “fair food wagons” set up on the side of the road selling items and it was a welcomed sign that while we can’t load up the family and attend a fair at least we can still grab one of those tasty treats that takes our minds back to memories from the past.
Just yesterday I was chatting it up with the illustrious Donnie Renaldo Hedgecock about 2020 and the year it has been so far. It will for sure go down in the books as one of the strangest/scariest years in history. Just think about all the changes in our “normal” daily lives. From High prices, shortages, sicknesses, loss of jobs, loss of business, rioting, hurricanes, wildfires not to mention just the mental stress that each and every person has gone thru! I have experienced so many people in my life that can not accept change and they struggle with the smallest of issues that I have always strived to live my life on the sunny side of things and accept change and embrace it. This year has proven to be a challenge on each of us so many levels but Hey…
We can get through this!! Were not quitters!
Without Darkness you don’t appreciate Light!
Without Loss you don’t appreciate Victory!
Without Ham you don’t appreciate Burger!
You don’t get a trophy for just participating so take a deep breathe climb back on that horse and ride into the sunset! Let’s take what the rest of this year holds for us and Rise and Conquer…Together!
I live in Best County in the Best State in the Best Country there is and Dang it I’m proud of who I am, the people I know and the company I work for!!
Man that felt good to say!
Think I’ll run a lap around the lumber yard, Say a prayer, Pet my dog and Shoot my gun cause I’m a Proud American and I can!!!!

Swing by the store this afternoon and we’ll make s’mores, hold hands and sing the Nation Anthem…..while wearing masks and staying 6ft apart of course…Wink Wink
Until next time…Come see us, Smoke um if you got um and Thanks for the business!!!

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