by Hedgecock Builders Supply | Jul 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
So I hope everyone had a grand 4th of July! For the last few years my bride and I have taken a day trip and gone on the other side of Boone (Trade, TN) and purchased fireworks from Stateline Fireworks. This year was the exception as we were...
by Hedgecock Builders Supply | Jun 13, 2018 | David Says
So anyone that knows me knows that I am a huge music fan. I love most any kind of music from Old Country, Oldies, Rock, Jazz, Pop or Classical I enjoy pretty much anything and everything. My kids and I text each other random song lyrics all the time with the hope that...
by Hedgecock Builders Supply | Jun 1, 2018 | David Says, Uncategorized
So yesterday (5/31) started out as a normal day here at the store and we were pretty busy for a humid Thursday. I had a good conversation with two of our regular customers, Sammy Evans and Derek Hughes about Synthetic roofing underlayments and what was required for...
by Hedgecock Builders Supply | May 25, 2018 | David Says
Memorial Day! Memorial Day can mean a lot of things to different people. A day to go play in the great outdoors, have a cookout or just hang with the family. I think for most people this is a day to relax and have some most needed time off from what ever job you may...
by Hedgecock Builders Supply | May 21, 2018 | David Says
On Saturday the 19th, the town of Walnut Cove had its annual Spring Fest. We have never participated in this event mainly because we really don’t have anything small or generalized to sell and It’s way too much work to bring a unit of plywood or some 40 foot long...
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