Hello my Friends, I hope everyone is having a Stupendous spring/summer. A lot of changes here at the store from personnel and equipment to items we are stocking. We recently added Westbury railing to our ever growing inventory list....

Hiring Smart People Is The Key!

          Well Hello Guys and Gals, Hope everyone is having a grand spring and having fun! Our illustrious owner gave me some words of wisdom years ago that have held true to this day. Always hire people that are smarter than you are. You...

Complain No More!

Hey guess what…..It’s not raining every day!!!!! Gosh that Carolina sunshine looks and feels so good!  Hopefully the super cold is behind us and warm dry weather ahead! I usually try not to dive right into the deep end first thing, you know, take your time in the...

We’re Giving Away Money!

Well hello my Friends and a very happy January to all! Hope everyone is fat and sassy and survived the holidays! I gotta tell you that I am tired of all this rain that we have had over the course of last year!  The ground is so saturated that we are having the hardest...
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