We are in March 2020, who would have thunk it….2020! It doesn’t seem like 2020 but I guess it didn’t seem like 2019 either so there ya go. I was recently talking with Robert Logan of Logan Creek Creative (he handles our website and does an Awesome job) and he asked me what the hold up was with a new David Say’s. I told him the new title of David Say’s should be David sucks (easy now) because I haven’t made the time to clear my mind for a minute or two. We can all talk of how busy we are and just “don’t have the time” but I’m pretty sure there 24hours in everyone’s day, it just depends on how you choose to use that time.
One thing I would like to mention is a shout out for our newest family member, Dalton Fowler. Dalton has been here a couple of months and is proving to be a fine addition to our Hedgecock family! On our website we have a profile section with some commonly asked questions. One of those questions is what is one thing few people know about you. Dalton’s answer is that he was an Olympic medalist.
Now I can not confirm or deny what color of medal he won or in general if this is fact or fiction but I can speculate on what category he won a medal in. Could it be Bobsledding? Nah it hasn’t even snowed and his cousin Bob is in Prison.
Could it be Hurling? Quite possibly, he has called out sick a time or two already. (Yes I know its curling…I’m trying to get a laugh here people)
100 yard dash? Don’t think so because like I said Bob is in prison.
I’ll just let you guys and gals come to your own conclusion but I think I have it figured out based on my own mathematical indisputable formula.
He told me the other day that he doesn’t own a single polo shirt….Right…Sure you don’t!
He must love the water because it rains every other day in the Cove.
I know when he attended the Space Time Odyssey Institute for lesser know Mammals and Humans his roommate was named Marco.
Water Polo….Nailed it! Brilliant!
Next time you stop by or give us a ring be sure to say hello to Dalton because he is a welcomed addition!!
Wishing everyone a productive spring and until next time……Marco???
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