October Edition





Thought I would take a few and talk about social media and people. People are crazy…people are rude…people are different…people are misunderstood!

On the other hand, People are good friends…people are family…people are customers (my favorite) or the help we need in difficult times. People are…well…just people!

Social media is and has been the basis of our society for hundreds of years. I believe the first newspaper was published in 1704 (Boston News). People have been longing for information and to just be heard for hundreds of years. Today, social media is a lot different; we have at our finger tips the way to post any and all information anytime we feel like it. Weather you post about your business, your family or how many times your dog has gone to the bathroom this week (6 so far).

I have watched every season of the show Alone. On the show they drop the contestants off in a wilderness situation with a few supplies and the last one left is the winner. These people last months on end without any help and must live off the land. Thru the nasty winters and the starvation, I think one of the hardest things to overcome would be the lack of human companionship.

We are social people in everything we do (although some need to stop). Sure it’s fun to catch that 8 pound bass while fishing by yourself but it’s so much better when your buddy is with you!

From the Wake Forest football games, high fiving people you’ve never met to a simple conversation over some coffee, we crave friendship and relationships.

There’s not really a rhyme or reason for this post, No hidden message or agenda … Or is it??

Hope everyone enjoys this beautiful fall weather and has a Happy Halloween!! Think I will dress up as a human this year!

Come see us!

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