So yesterday (5/31) started out as a normal day here at the store and we were pretty busy for a humid Thursday. I had a good conversation with two of our regular customers, Sammy Evans and Derek Hughes about Synthetic roofing underlayments and what was required for warranties when used under shingles or metal roofing. I always enjoy when I can pass along information to good people and help them with their projects. I enjoy thinking that even though it’s just a waterproof membrane that will never be seen again, covered by shingles, riddled with nails that it is a very important part of a roof system. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t have some kind of fetish for roofing underlayments. I don’t come over to the store at night and hang out in the warehouse, wearing a cowboy hat, dancing around the pallets in silence while eating Lucky Charms. I mean come on…I haven’t done that in year’s and besides I’m not even Irish.
I just like helping people with the quiet, boring things. You know, the no glitz items, not like a new tricked out textured fiberglass door with composite jambs, stained glass, PVC brick molds, stain grade with an adjustable bronze sill and oil rubbed bronze hardware. Everyone will see that front door and the beauty it holds, your friends will comment, your neighbors will blush, your family will be in awe. It will be in pictures, it will be touched, knocked, scratched and slammed.
All while the poor underlayment is just hid away, laying there keeping the rain off your head and protecting your lifetime of valuables. It doesn’t need the fame or attention, only just to be put into place for a lifetime of protection from the elements. Go on and Do your thing underlay, I’ve got your back!
So the next time you see someone roofing a house, give a nod, peace or what’s up to the underlay! It’s more important than you know!
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