Memorial Day!
Memorial Day can mean a lot of things to different people. A day to go play in the great outdoors, have a cookout or just hang with the family. I think for most people this is a day to relax and have some most needed time off from what ever job you may have. To be honest for most of my life that is what it was to me, a day off work. But strange things happen when you get older, you start to look at things with a different prospective…taught by life’s lessons. Very recently my uncle Donald Bray passed away. He was suffering from Alzheimer’s and for the last part of his life he didn’t recognize the people he had loved and treasured all of his life. He was a veteran, one of the best baseball players you’ll ever see and one of the best people you will ever meet. This Memorial Day I will remember family and friends who have touched my life and made me a better person. I will take the time to reflect on the ones who have made this country what it is today. A country where you can Go, Do or Be whatever you want!
Look to the future but don’t forget the past and the ones that made you and this country and you what it is today!
Happy Memorial Day 2018!
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