October EditionCHristmas at Hedgecock Builders Supply




Oh the weather outside is Frightful, but the fire is so delightful and since we’ve already been to Hedgecock’s and gotten all of our lumber, paint, shingles, oriented strand board, screen wire, 1×6 t&g c-bead spruce and 445 primed casing, Let it snow let it snow and let it go!  Ah good ‘ol Christmas time…My favorite holiday and it’s not just because of the presents. I know what you’re thinking and no it’s not because of the grand feasts or seeing family and friends. My joy comes from something deeper and closer to my heart…Year end inventory!

Only my closest friends and loved ones know this but Nothing, and I mean Nothing, gets my motor running like counting inventory! Come every December and I turn in to a counting machine! I even catch myself doing so at other establishments, just last week I was at the grocery store getting some last minute gift ideas and I couldn’t help myself from counting the cans of  sliced pears, I’m not real sure why they had 34 cans but hey if you love sliced pears you’re a happy shopper. Counting inventory helps keep you grounded and also teaches you a lot of life lessons! It keeps your senses honed and your brain clicking like it should! I mean what sounds better than counti….Ok, Ok you got me! I can’t go on any longer! I don’t like deceiving people….No I actually didn’t count the pears!! It was stewed tomatoes but even if I just told a small not-so, do they really need 34 cans on the shelf? Don’t they get trucks in weekly or bi-weekly? Maybe stewed tomatoes have a run in December or maybe they were purchased at a big quantity discount or maybe just maybe I like to say maybe and ramble on!

Truthfully I don’t mind inventory. It helps keep your mind on the quantities you should have to keep customers happy and coming back day after day. That is the reason we are here and why we open our doors everyday! Christmas is the season for giving and I want to give a humongous Thank You for everyone that has graced our store this year with the opportunity to help with your needs!!!!


I hope everyone has a Great Christmas and a Wonderful start to 2020!!!  Come see us!



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