Hello Everybody, Well I’m back again.

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about how an employee can build or break a company. It is wild when you think about it, the art of taking someone that you have never met and throwing them in a mix of different personalities, ethics and beliefs. The challenge of finding the right person for that position while spending just a few minutes with them, evaluating them, checking their resumes, getting references and just when you think you’re making an educated decision, you throw all that crap out the window and go with your gut feeling!  For instance I was recently informed that one of our delivery drivers was leaving us to pursue a different career path. He was leaving us because of a handful of reasons with money being the stand out. When he told me he was leaving I immediately freaked out because this is the beginning of our busy season. The birds are chirping, everything is getting green, the temps are on the rise and we are rocking! Really….Your leaving us now!! Then I quickly realized that he was just trying to better himself and he believed this decision was in his best interest, it didn’t matter what I thought or could have said to keep this from happening. Sure I could have thrown some money in his direction and that might have stalled his decision but once the decision is made, it is made. Good employees are what makes a company, a great company and it is so hard to find someone who is the perfect fit. They need to have the go-get-it-done attitude, be outgoing, friendly, respectful, on time, knowledgeable and I’ll stop there because the list could go on and on. This day and time it is hard to find someone with one of these qualities much less all of them. It seems the general population doesn’t want to work; they want to sit and get it handed to them. It is a trend that is harming the construction industry extensively. Almost daily I hear our customers complain about how they cannot find any help and that keeps them from keeping their work on schedule and completed. With that being said, I have searched and searched for another delivery driver that meets some or all of the skills listed above and guess what…. found one!

It’s funny how when you are in the middle of a perfectly good Hissy Fit, Not sure what to do or which way to go and then BOOM….the stress is gone; you found the pot of gold; everything is rainbows and sunshine! Well not really, but it is for a second and that’s good enough for me!

I hope our employees (or family as I like to call them) realize how much we do appreciate them and what they do for our Company!

As Always Thanks for the Business!!


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