Hey Everybody!! David here from Hedgecock Builders Supply.
Just last week a gentleman who shall not be named (Robert Logan-Logan Creek Creative…Free Plug!!) posted a picture of myself on one of our social media sites stating and I quote…”David says come on down for the best deal in town.” I saw the post and immediately sent him a text to say that our phones were ringing off the hook and we were going to have to widen the parking lot to accommodate the influx of customers because of my picture being posted. He sent me back “Seriously…are you kidding me?” I informed him that I was joking and the picture was a bit blurry (which helps my looks by the way) and I didn’t see that as a value for our business. “Ok” he replies, “So what does David Say”??
So here we go, A perfect way to start Hedgecock Builders Supply’s info/blog page. This will be a series of postings from the dark places deep in my brain to these bright white pages for all to see. Scary to say the least but I am a very honest person and I love my profession and I wouldn’t trade it for anything! Please keep in mind I am not a professional writer or English Major….I mean I sell Building Supplies…Come On! Brief history on myself…I have been with Hedgecock’s since January 1996 thru some good times and some not so good times. I have a wonderful wife, three children and a beagle/blue tick dog named Samuel. I love Camping, Hiking, Fishing, Hunting and basically anything and everything outdoors! Born and raised right here in beautiful Stokes County North Carolina, I couldn’t ask for better surroundings!! AnyHoo, Please check back from time to time for some education, random thoughts and of course a bit of head shaking from your friendly neighborhood lumber salesman!
Thanks for the business!
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